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Good Reads for May 

Every month, we'll do a round up of articles, news, and blog posts that made us think, laugh, and want to get up and take on the world!  If you're looking for a dose of inspiration, maybe something here will spark it.  

ALYNDA SEGARRA'S CALL TO FOLK SINGERS: FALL IN LOVE WITH JUSTICE - A good think piece for all songwriters..."What does folk music mean to you? To me, it has always meant music that lifts the human spirit out of the terror and anguish of oppression. It is the sound of the strength of…Read more

3 Steps To More Booking Success 

As any indie artist who books their own shows knows, it’s often a tedious and confusing process.  It’s also a lot like speculative real are spending a lot of time researching and making contacts with venues.  Some might call you back, some will not.  (That is normal and all part of the process!)  Here are three tips to help streamline the booking process.

  1. Have a great website set up.  This is your best publicity, and the great news is you get to control everything from content to…

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Do you have a day job? Most of you reading this yearn to do music full time. If you are doing other things for money, it's likely that you spend a lot of your day thinking about getting your music heard. The problem is that you are not being fully present to your job OR your music.

Do you busy yourself with disorganized attempts at gigging, writing, and promoting? Are you frustrated with a lack of traction?

I was the same way. I would be at my day job booking gigs, half there, and feeling guilty about the job…Read more