Good Reads for May

Every month, we'll do a round up of articles, news, and blog posts that made us think, laugh, and want to get up and take on the world!  If you're looking for a dose of inspiration, maybe something here will spark it.  

ALYNDA SEGARRA'S CALL TO FOLK SINGERS: FALL IN LOVE WITH JUSTICE - A good think piece for all songwriters..."What does folk music mean to you? To me, it has always meant music that lifts the human spirit out of the terror and anguish of oppression. It is the sound of the strength of humanity."

23 Brilliant Life Lessons from Anthony Bourdain - The art of music and the art of food and how they overlap comes up more often than you would think at Rubicon.  It takes a lot of the same skills and tenacity to break through in music and culinary arts.

5 Ways to Complicate Your Songs and Confuse Your Listeners - a great list from SongTown reminding us to edit well when we are working on a song.

A great quote posted on the SwissMiss Blog: “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.”
— Maya Angelou

And of course...a little humor.  It seems that Beyonce looks good dancing to anything, including Duck Tales.

If you've read anything thoughtful, amazing, useful, or hilarious lately...please head over to Facebook and share it with us or tweet at us.  We love new inspiration!

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