3 Awkward Moments to Avoid in Social Media

Of course you know there are etiquette rules when sitting down to a meal in a 4 star restaurant, but there are etiquette rules in the online world too.  Avoiding social faux pas as a musician online will keep your fan community thriving and growing.

Form real community

It’s happened to all of us.  We accept a friend request on Facebook from someone we don’t know or perhaps know as an acquaintance.  Before any chance to begin interacting and getting to know each other, that person asks you to “like” their band’s page.  You probably haven’t even heard the band...how can you possible like them?  Same thing on Twitter...nix those automatic replies when you get a new follower asking them to buy or share.  Instead, work on building a real relationship!  Post interesting content so people interact with you.  They’ll get to know you.  They’ll check out your music, and if they like it, they’ll be a solid fan excited about your music...not a disinterested and potentially annoyed acquaintance.


Don’t simply “broadcast”

It is so easy to blast out gig updates, links to your online store, and post your newest promo photo...and then walk away.  Social media has the word “social” in it for a reason...you’re there to curate a conversation among your fan community.  When people comment on your post, reply back.  A simple “like” is great too - so people know you’re reading.  Ask questions about the town you’re touring to like where to find the best coffee.  Do a search on Twitter once a week to see if anyone mentioned you (a fan going to a show, a radio station that has you on their playlist) and REPLY.  Thank them for their attention.  Set up a Google Alert on your name (or band name) so you see when you get mentioned online in blogs or on other sites.  Be an active community builder. Do more than just market.


Use each platform as intended

Yes, it is easy to connect your Facebook and Twitter so that all your Facebook posts automatically get tweeted, but...why?  Yes, you can use hashtags on Facebook...but why?  Facebook is great for longer posts asking for input or commentary.  Twitter is amazing for throwing out 140 character thoughts and links, and hashtagging them when appropriate.  Do not lump all social media together or your fans will get bored and ultimately annoyed...and you’ll get ditched.  Respect each platform for its strengths.

In short, be intuitive and allow some time for the care and feeding of your online community.  It will pay off in spades as you find your fanbase growing and interacting with you and your career.

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